Thursday, October 25, 2012

Hebrew Books

Dear parents,
Our class is progressing greatly with their Hebrew fluency. The children love to read Hebrew stories and act them out at school. Starting this week a few children will get a chance to take home a Hebrew book from our class library to read at home for that week, and share the story with their families.Please encourage your children to read to you and explain the story.This will be great to reinforce their Hebrew Fluency at home!

Feel free to contact me with any questions.
Morah Mushky

Monday, October 22, 2012

Happy Birthday Daniel P.

Last week we celebrated Daniel P. Birthday. We wish him and wonderful, successful, happy year. :)

Morah Gaby &
 Your Second Grade Friends


Second grade is speedily moving along. Everyday I try to give them at least ten minutes to read and explore with books. They enjoy reading with friends, and sometimes on their own. It is such a delight to watch them from the side. I am so very proud of their hard work, and eagerness to learn.

Morah Gaby

Let's go to the SUPREME COURT

In Social Studies we are learning about "Our Country." It is the perfect time to learn about "Our Country" because the Presidential Elections are right around the corner. The class has been learning about what Congress, Supreme Court, and the President do. In class we learned that the President makes sure the laws are followed, that Congress  makes the laws, and the Supreme Court makes sure the laws are fair.  The kids spent time making up their own laws and writing them down. We took all those laws and made a chart, from which we picked four silly laws and four serious laws. We are holding a Supreme Court hearing to see if the proposed laws should be passed. 

One of the silly laws: : "Second grade should eat Mochi ice-cream every Wednesday for breakfast."
Serious law: "You should never open the door for strangers."

This is great hands on activity, and the kids are having a great time doing it. 

Supreme Court Judges

Congressmen and Women
They are telling the judges why these new laws must be passed. 

Morah Gaby 

Properties of Matter

In Science we are learning about The Properties of Matter. Our first Experiment of the year was to see what happens when we Mix Oil with Water. First we gathered all of our materials. 

  • Oil
  • Water
  • Measuring Cup
  • Food Coloring
  • Containers
  • Science Notebooks

The children were broken up into groups and they each had a chance to try part of the experiment. Before they started the experiment they had to make a Hypothesis. After they were finished the had to come up with conclusions as to what actually happened during the experiment.   Take a look at the awesome pictures of our wonderful scientists. 

Morah Gaby